Thursday, January 21, 2010

Harvest Moon - My Little Shop

I've done a few posts about Harvest Moon, and Natsume (the makers of Harvest Moon) are releasing a new series for the Wii.

I introduce: Harvest Moon - My Little Shop.

You see, in the original console (and portable versions of them game) you are a farmer who tends to his farm, builds it up, and makes gold. You also have the option of getting married, and having children.

Yet in this game, you're a shop owner. I know you may not be excited as I am, but still hear me out.

In the game, using the wii remote for most functions, you'll create products, assist customers and upgrade your store (think those PC cafe games, except cute and japanese).
I haven't been able to find a release date, but when it comes out I'll be the first one in line.
