Monday, February 15, 2010

Myths & Questions - Gay Culture.

In this blog entry I'll be delving into some questions, myths, and facts about gay people.

This was inspired by a friend who asked about a hundred questions, and was shocked by almost every answer.
Below you'll see some questions that I generally get asked, some facts about the gay community that you may have not known, as well as some myths that are ridiculous if you actually give them some thought.


Myth: All gay people know each other.  
Fact: I find this to be kind of ironic, and funny when I inform someone that I'm gay and they tell me "Oh, my cousin is gay. Dave. Dave Smith?"  I don't know him, and just because were gay doesn't mean we know each other. Its not like there are secret gay meetings or anything.

Myth: All gay people are a like.   
Fact: I find that many people are surprised when a gay man or woman doesn't meet the standard "super fem" stereotype.  Gay's come in all shapes and sizes, and colors.  There are gay truckers, football players, and body builders. Not all gay men talk with a lisp and enjoy interior design.

Myth: Gay men, in a relationship, are either the "woman" or the "man".  
Fact: Though in my relationship, my boyfriend and I do have standard roles, this is not the same for every relationship. Just as in some heterosexual relationships some men stay at home while some woman are the main income producers.  Gay and straight relationships are not different as some would like to believe.

Question: Are you the man or the woman in the relationship?
Answer: I'm neither, we're both men. Hence the term "homosexuality".

Question: What is up with drag queens? Are you a drag queen?
Answer: Personally, I don't enjoy drag shows. However, the term "drag" has been used since the late
 1800's as a theater term. Drag Queens are young gay men who enjoy dressing up in flamboyant costumes for the entertainment of others, in many cases the "costumes" aren't even a female costume. 
Question: Can you turn a straight guy gay?  
Answer: You can't turn anyone gay. You are either gay, or not. If a "straight" man enjoys having sex with another man then he is most likely gay, and in the closet to the rest of the world. I personally don't find straight guys attractive, they are an impossible companion, so why bother?

Question: What does top or bottom mean? What's a twink? Whats a bear?
Answer: A top, in general terms, is the more dominant partner in bed. As you can guess, a bottom is someone who is submissive in bed. These terms are by no means ridgid, a lot of gay men and woman enjoy both parts. There are also "power tops" or "power bottoms" these typically mean someone is more aggressive in the bedroom.  A "twink" is a slang term for a gay man, who is typically very skinny, young, and in some cases, flamboyant. A "bear" is another slang term for a gay man. A "bear" is usually stocky, hairy, and more of a masculine figure. These terms are by no means absolute. There are many variations in each group.

 Hopefully this has answered your questions, and given you some wisdom into the gay community. I welcome any questions, for it better to know then to think. 



Shandi said...

My old boss had this idea that all gay people were rich, loud, great dressers and possible child, that was seriously what she thought of when she thought of homosexuality! Some people are so fucking ignorant! Great blog btw.

Stupid Boi said...

Drag Queens are any age not just young! But this was great!