Sunday, November 2, 2008

Buffalo Blog-tastic

When the weather gets cold, and a few early season flurries start falling outside your window. What are you to do to keep yourself entertained? Or at least to keep yourself connect with the outside world?

Simple, you read blogs. Well I do anyways. I'm not one for watching the news, 6am is too early for me. I'm at class during most other barage of news reports, and come the 5 o clock news I'm out and about trying to actually get errands done. So, in order for me to keep up on my local city I check out the Buffalo Blogs.

Buffalo has many blogs, but I stick to my two favirotes which update you on the city, with a little side note of random funny-goodness. Here are my two favirote blogs:

Buffalo Rising:

An amazing website, full of the latest developments in the city. I'm amazed at how the news doesn't report any of these. The man who does the blog also keeps you up to date on the latest events, so when you do feel like braving the cold you can actually have some fun. If you find what he's saying to your liking, or to your dislike you can always join the site and add comments on his posts. Personally I try to comment on everything, but I guess thats just the youth in me wanting to voice my opinion about even the most trivial things. So go ahead and check out the site you will enjoy it.

Buffa What:

Now, being a homosexual of the bison city I find this blog to be hilarious. Its written by a gentlmen by the name of Nate. He's what modern social hippsters would call a "techo-gay". He updates on the latest tech goodies. Also, he's personally exposed me to designer toys. To be frank, I guess I was out of the loop on these things. But due to his blog I actually went out and bought a Tokidoki Milk Strawberry toy. I plan on collecting them now, simple because they're cute. He also blogs about the occasional buffalo-happenings, and his own life experiences. He's easy to relate too which makes the blog have a human feel which is hard to get off the internet. Check it out, and be sure to "snap" him, as he will update you on what he was doing at the moment you sent him the request.

Well there you have it. My two fav blogs. Keep warm, and do your body some good. When we get enough snow to play in, play in it.



Buffawhat said...

Hey Hey Hey! thanks for the blog love sir. Just the thing I needed this weekend.