Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mon Dieu!

Sorry the lack of posting, a little too busy with schooling and other projects.

Well, today wasn't anything exciting. Went out to lunch with a friend, but mostly I laid in bed playing Harvest Moon on the Wii (which I'll review soon), listening to Edith Piaf like the (francai-a-holic) I am, and reading books on making cupcakes.

Yes, I was reading books on how to make cupcakes.

You see, Valentines Day is coming up and I have to come up with something that is not only cute, but practical as well.

My boyfriend loves sweets, yet he's built and thin (which isn't fair in my opinion) so I thought why not do something cute, and creative with cupcakes?

Everyone loves cupcakes.

Here's my plan:

I plan on making three cupcakes, plain vanilla with butter scream on top. Then I'll paint litle faces on them, and using sugar based candy paste I'll make little word bubbles which will say

"I" "Love" "You"

Cute, right?

Any-ways, I thought it would get my point across but also serve as a present (I'm very cheap by the way).

Its been a year and 2 months for us, and we'll be moving in together soon (a week or two?) so I want this one to be special.

Yepp, I'm a homo. Nuff' said

Ciao Petit ami!
