Saturday, February 13, 2010

BoA - Energetic

I think we all need a "guilty" pleasure when it comes to music. I typically don't have those, I'm normally proud of the music I listen to.

Thats not true of BoA. When I was a teenager and started to get into Japanese rock music, I discovered BoA as well. BoA is a huge artist in her native Korea and Japan. However, my other J-ROCK friends viewed her as "poppy" so it wasn't cool to listen to her.

I largely ignored her music until now.

She's released a CD in America in an attempt to corner the American market as well, and I actually really like the few singles I've heard off the album.

Her second single off the album is "Energetic", its not a profound song by any means, but still, its fun to dance to.

I suppose thats all that matters right? Check out the video for BoA - Energetic below and tell me your thoughts.



michelle said...

lol i like it, and now it's stuck in my head. i definitely think should could be big in the club scene :)