Friday, May 7, 2010

Things I Want - Cookie Pan

 Some of you may not know this, but I love to bake. I don't like to eat sweets however, so I usually cart off my many creations to work and other functions to make other people over weight (and to earn some brownie points, literally).

I'm always looking for a new cake pan, usually ones that are in fun and interesting shapes that I can make into "cake-art". This cookie pan is one of them. It allows you to make a double stacked cake in the shape of an oreo.  Plus, its only 20 USD. Which is a lot cheaper then the christmas tree pan I bought last December (I paid 40 for it, and cried a little afterwords)

It can be purchased by clicking the link here: Cookie Pan



michelle said...

ooh that looks yummy and adorable :)

ps - cute new layout!