Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sundays Thoughts


Every morning I wake up and log onto the and other such news websites. Just trying to brush up on whats going on in the world.

Most of the things I read about don't make me a very pleasant man in the morning. In fact they downright piss me off.

I usually just complain to friends about it, but since I have this small medium to use I thought well -- what the hell? Why not.

The first issue I'd like to discuss is this -

Hilary Clinton:

I'm annoyed by this campaign in its entirety. I've sat back and watch the media portray Hillary as some weak putrid little woman. And as much as "its the media's fault" is used as an excuse these days I'd have to say, in this case it is.

The media have the power to sway anyone, if they run enough stories, with enough video's, and comments from "top experts" they can sway anyone to think what they want them to think. This ideal has been quite known for some time.

I don't like Senator Barack Obama, and its not because he's black. Its because he has little experience, and when it comes to presidency. I think experience is key.
You need to know what the hell your doing, I think President George W Bush taught us this.

I like Hillary because she's some what bold, and while being liberal she still manages to have some conservative nature in her. I've never agreed with being an extreme on either side of the political spectrum.

I wish America would wake up, and stop making such horrid decisions. If Barack Obama becomes the candidate for the democratic party. I won't vote.

Seems pointless to me.

The other issue I want to tap on is

Gay Marriage:

As you all know, I'm a homo. So my thoughts on this will obviously sway towards the approval of gay marriage.

A few days ago, I was shocked and delighted that California had recognized Gay Marriage. My first thought was "Wow, one of the most populated states allows gay marriage. Who's next?"

But then this morning, I saw a video on MSNBC, stating that California will have a vote on the ballot this up coming election, to see if the voters want it.

Um...since when did the majority decide things in America?

If the majority had control in the late 40's and 50's, the Civil Rights movement would have been futile.

As in the 1960's and 70's, the feminist movement would have gone nowhere.

In America, we have a system set up as to adhere to what the majority AND minority wants.

Its actually a beautiful system when used right, because it appeases both sides. It never leans power to one side, over the other.

The high courts made a decision, and according to the constitution, they have all the right in the world to make that decision.
Its actually going against the Democratic Republic we have set up, to allow the majority to vote on something and decide for the minority.

I swear sometimes I feel like packing up and moving to Europe.

Thats all my rant for today, you have a nice Sunday!
