Saturday, September 26, 2009

Short Pink Shorts

I apologize for the lack of blogging, I've been pretty busy with the move and the new apartment.
I am now an official suburban boy once again. I couldn't stand living in the city, which I know isn't trendy, but just the same.

Anyways, what the hell is up with fashion these days? I mean seriously, the men's wear clothing I see coming down the runways are ridiculous. I have yet to see anyone wearing any of these horrid designs. For starters, who in there right mind would wear short-shorts that are bright pink? Not even the gayest man in American or Canada, thats who.

Example:What the hell? That vest looks like something I made in 7th grade, and the shoe' yes. They seem perfect (perfect for looking like a retard). I don't mean to sound harsh, but come on. I think men look best in black, grey, brown, khaki, and light pastel colors. Call me old fashioned but its my opinion

Lets hope fashion gets a hold on what actually looks good on the male form, or we'll all be wearing short pink shorts with pink socks, and a rehabbed vest from old boy scout uniforms.